The Siamese Cat- A beautiful, unique and vocal cat breed.

The Siamese cat breed is one of the most well-known in the world. They are easy to distinguish as a result of their telltale physical features as well as their demanding vocals. They are also brilliant and do best in a home that encourages mental stimulation in combination with physical exercise. The Siamese cat breed is sophisticated, elegant and tantalizing. They can also be a ball of fun when their wild side comes out! Don’t underestimate this cat breed!

Highlights of the Siamese Cat:

  • If given a caring and responsible owner, Siamese cats are capable of one of the longest lifespans in the feline world.
  • There are two types of Siamese cats. The Traditional Siamese Cat and the Show Siamese Cat.
  • Siamese cats are one of the most trainable breeds. However, they are experts at training their humans to suit their needs and wants.
  • They are famous for their bright blue eyes and their pointed fur coat patterns.


This unique breed was named after their native home of Siam (currently Thailand). For centuries, the Siamese cats were favored because of their elegance and ability to promote perfection. Siamese cats have been described in Ancient manuscripts as felines to be idolized and admired. In 1871, they made their way into the western world as a show cat in London’s Crystal Cat Show. Their actual start in the United States of America is unknown. However, we do know that Lucy Hayes, wife of President Rutherford B. Hayes was given a Siamese cat as a gift in 1878. David B. Sickels (a diplomat of the United States stationed in Thailand) shipped the cat to the President and his wife, Lucy, along with a letter detailing the Siamese cat. This letter can be seen on display at the Rutherford B. Hayes Presidential Center in Fremont, Ohio.


Siamese cats are one of the many purebred cat breeds. Their renowned pointed fur coat pattern was originally the result of a genetic mutation that occurred centuries ago. The physical appearance of the Siamese cat breed greatly depends on the type. As previously mentioned, there are two types of the Siamese. The traditional and the show. The traditional Siamese cat type is also referred to as the apple-headed type. They have a rounded head shape, and their bodies are chunkier than the show type. The show Siamese cats will have a slender body type, long legs, and their heads are a triangle or “wedge” shaped. Cat show standards for the show Siamese involves clean lines, angles, and overall perfection in every way. Triangle shaped ears, and a long tapered tail is a must for a proper show Siamese. Siamese cats of either type will have almond shaped hypnotizing bright blue eyes that are impossible to miss! Siamese cats have short fur coats that can come in a variety of colors which include cream, brown, deep brown, ivory, blue (gray), and white. Their points can also come in a variety of colors including brown, blue (gray) and lilac. Male Siamese cats generally weigh in around 10 pounds and 15 pounds and stand about 15 inches tall. Female Siamese cats weigh in around 7 pounds and 11 pounds and stand about 12 inches tall, on average. If they are properly cared for by responsible owner, Siamese cats can live for 15 years or more!

The Traditional Siamese Cat

The Traditional Siamese Cat appearance
The Show Siamese Cat

The Show Siamese Cat appearance


The Siamese cat breed is very social. They will likely attempt to be involved in anything and everything that their family members are doing. They are undeniably beautiful cats. However, they are vocally demanding! This is not a breed to consider for those who enjoy the peace and quiet. They are very intelligent cats that are commonly caught opening doors or turning on the kitchen faucet. Siamese cats are very active, yet they can be the perfect couch potato. Many owners report their Siamese cat watching television with them. Siamese cats enjoy a mental challenge and would, therefore, benefit from puzzle toys and games. Owners should be prepared to train their Siamese kittens how to do tricks, walk on a leash, and play fetch.

Children and other pets:

Siamese cats are very friendly with their family members including children and cat-friendly dogs. Children should be supervised with the Siamese as their long tails might seem like a fun toy to pull. While they might be friendly towards children and other pets, Siamese cats demand attention and should be given quality one on one time with their owners. For busy owner, a second Siamese cat in the home would be wise.

Apartment Living:

Siamese cats can make excellent apartment companions. They keep their owners company and involve themselves in their daily activities. However, potential owners should consider the talkative nature of the breed if they live in an apartment setting. Neighbors and guests may not appreciate the conversation owners and their Siamese cats may have. Siamese cats should be provided a scratching post and various cat trees to keep them entertained but more so, to keep, their nails trimmed.



siamese cat
Siamese cats have a unique and beautiful fur coat. Their coats are short and fine which make grooming a piece of cake! Weekly brushing should be enough to remove dead hair and is an excellent way to replenish skin oils to the rest of the body’s fur. Bathing may be challenging and loud. Luckily, owners should not have to lather up their Siamese cat very often. In fact, it is recommended that bathing be infrequently done as their skin oils are a benefit. However, if there is an odor or if the cat is dirty, then bathing is a must. Their teeth, however, should often be brushed. Weekly teeth cleaning should be enough to prevent periodontal disease. If teeth brushing is performed during kittenhood, then daily teeth cleaning in adulthood can be a breeze! Siamese ears may need to be occasionally cleaned with a cotton ball as they can produce wax or odor. The owners can maintain both of which.


This breed is safest as an indoor cat. Owners that want to allow their Siamese cat outdoors should do so with caution and a leash. Siamese cats that are allowed to roam outdoors may be prone to diseases, being attacked, as well as being stolen. This is a very popular, valuable and distinctive breed that a neighbor would not hesitate to snatch up if given the opportunity. However, allowing a Siamese cat to go on a walk with a harness and a leash can be a great option for some fresh air and exercise. Physical stimulation and exercise are incredibly important to the Siamese cat breed. They are very agile and athletic. Running an agility course or playing a game of fetch could be both physically and mentally stimulating. This type of stimulation is best for the breed to keep them fit and occupied. A bored Siamese cat may become curious and destructive. Owners may come home and find that their Siamese cat has destroyed the couch cushions or knocked a dish or two off of the kitchen counter.


Siamese cats should be fed a high-quality dry cat kibble. The best kibble will be high in protein and other vitamins and minerals. The main ingredients should be natural and geared towards cats that are active. Owners should also make sure that they choose a cat food that is age appropriate.


It is wise to do research on reputable breeders before purchasing a Siamese kitten. Reputable breeders will be knowledgeable about the breed including any potential risk factors and genetic problems. They will also be honest with potential owners about these risks and potential genetic problems. Owners should request health related paperwork on their Siamese kitten from the breeder’s veterinarian. As previously mentioned, there are two different types of Siamese cats, the traditional and the show. The show Siamese cats have a wedge shaped head. This head shape may cause the cat to experience respiratory problems and dental problems. Siamese cats may be born with a kinked tail or crossed eyes which are both potential genetic conditions. Other possible health problems that a Siamese cat may face include:

  • Bladder Stones: This is a very common occurrence in male felines as a result of their anatomy. Bladder stones are rock-like stones made of minerals that have developed in the feline’s urinary tract. They travel with the urine and eventually can become lodged in the urethra.
  • Glaucoma: This is a disease involving the feline’s optic nerve. High pressure in the eye causes normal eye fluid not to be able to drain properly. This constant buildup and pressure on the eye and the optic nerve can cause the feline to go blind.
  • Cancer: This is most common in elderly felines and can occur anywhere and in any form throughout the body. Many possible cancers for felines are similar to possible cancers for humans.
  • Asthma: Feline asthma and human asthma are very similar. Asthma is when the small passageways of the lungs become severely inflamed.
  • Progressive Retinal Atrophy: This is a condition that worsens as the feline ages. The photoreceptors develop during kittenhood and begin to degenerate as the kitten ages into adulthood slowly. The cat may experience night blindness at first and will eventually be diagnosed with complete blindness. This usually occurs around their third or fifth year of age.
  • Amyloidosis: This is a condition which is caused by amyloid. Amyloid is a substance that is composed of abnormal proteins which are then deposited throughout the various organs of the body. If amyloid is deposited in the liver, heart, or the kidneys, then the condition can become fatal.
  • Congenital heart defects (Aortic Stenosis): This is a condition in which the aortic valve becomes narrow and causes the blood flow to become difficult. The more narrow the valve, the less blood leaves the heart. This condition usually results in a fatality.
  • Obesity: This is the only potential medical problem that a Siamese cat can experience that the owner can prevent. A responsible and caring owner will consult a veterinarian about properly feeding their Siamese cat. They will also provide quality exercise to help keep their feline fit.

Similar breeds:

The Siamese cat breed may be distinctive and easy to identify to the general public. However, this cat breed can be easily mistaken for another; the Burmese. The Burmese is also a very vocally demanding cat. Although, they generally have a much softer voice compared to the Siamese. The Burmese cat breed is known for their charm and companionship. They are commonly seen playing with children and the family dog. They are very curious animals. Owners of either breed should not be surprised to see them on counter tops or opening cabinet doors. Both breeds can have the pointed fur coat pattern and large triangle shaped ears. The Burmese cat breed has a silky fur coat that is relatively easy to groom. The most common coat coloration for this breed is a warm brown color that covers the cat from his ear tips to his paw pads. However, the easiest way to tell the two breeds apart is their eyes. A Siamese cat will always have piercing bright blue eyes! The Burmese will have yellow-gold eyes that are also striking.

siamese cat

The Siamese Cat

burmese cat

The Burmese Cat

Siamese cats can be an exciting and loving member of the family. They are affectionate and playful with family, children and other cat-friendly pets. This is not a breed that is known for heavy shedding, but, they are known for their demanding and opinionated vocals. This is an intelligent cat breed that is generally healthy but may have a genetic disorder. Asking the breeder for documentation will help owners to understand their new family member and make them aware of any health risks. A Siamese cat or two could be an excellent addition to any family dynamic or single person household.
